Century Regional Detention Facility
Address: 11705 S. Alameda St. Lynwood Ca 90262
Website: Century Station | Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (lasd.org)
Century Regional Detention Center (CRDF), is the long term housing facility for female prisoners with in the LA County jail system. CRDF is attached to Century station which serves the following areas: Athens Park, Florence/Firestone, Walnut Park and Willowbrook.
Century Station also holds male inmates for booking, prior to transfer to the Los Angeles County Jail Downtown.
Please note: Male inmate are not housed permanently at this facility. Male inmates can be bailed out of Century Station, upon completion of booking, prior to transfer.
CRDF does allow visiting for female inmates. Visiting times are as follows:
Saturday through Tuesday 7:30 am to 12:20 pm and 1:20 pm to 3:30 pm.
Paid parking is available at CRDF, if you are desiring to visit an inmate you must have a valid ID and all individuals entering the facility are subject to search. Warrant checks will occur on all individuals wanting a visit.
Visiting Procedures:
Inmates are allowed on 30 minute visit per day, on days that are allowed. Up to two visitors may visit an inmate during a visit. Children do count as visitors, but may not be counted if they are five years or under. All Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Children who are 14 must have some form of ACCEPTABLE ID.
Visitor Restrictions
All visitors must have a VALID ID. Warrant check will be conducted on all individuals requesting a visitation. Please be aware, vehicles are subject to search as well as individuals.
Personal Property
After arrest, an inmate may authorize the release of personal property to any individual as long as the property has not been entered in to evidence. If property has been entered into evidence, than it will not be available until the case has been completed.